Where's the Gate?
Tons and tons of high explosives missing in Iraq, endangering our soldiers; Iraqi soldiers massacred under our watch and even the Iraq puppet...er...interim president blames us. Haliburton. The list goes endlessly on and on. So where's the 'Gate? Where's the outrage? Where's the investigatory journalism? Where's the media?
Having been a 24-hour cable news junkie for several years now, I'm finally over my addiction. The "news" delivered by vapid and clueless manequins, asking softball or, worse, insanely stupid, questions of guests they should be asking the tough questions. Even Wolf. Even Aaron Brown. I, for one, am disgusted and finally, disinterested. Jon Stewart's "fake" news makes more sense and asks more pertinent questions, digs deeper and looks harder at the day's events. The only news program that seems to ask the tough questions is the CNN show with Lou Dobbs.
I'm off cable news and onto the 'net to find out what I need to know. Slate, Salon, Prospect.org, NPR and BBC are all preferable to the infotainment and softball "news" that inhabits the 24/7 news channels. Farewell and good riddance.
End of Rant.
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